Dear customer, thank you very much for using this store service (hereinafter referred to as this service). The company will provide members with convenient transactions in accordance with the following membership service terms (hereinafter referred to as this clause). In order to protect your rights and interests, please be sure to read these terms carefully. When you register as a member of our company or start using this service, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed to accept all the contents of these terms and the “Privacy Protection Policy” , and it is deemed that you have confirmed that you have read and agreed to the personal data protection notice and consent. If you do not agree to all or part of the terms, please do not register, and please stop using the service immediately. The specific content of this clause is as follows:
1. Member informationspan
Before you use this service, you must provide correct personal information and become a member of the company without paying any fees; after joining, you can only log in to the company’s website, use this service and participate in activities related to this service. If there is any change in personal information, please be sure to update it immediately to protect your rights and interests. If the member fails to update the personal information correctly and fails to receive relevant information such as membership rights, consumption discounts, and activity content sent by the company, or to change or terminate membership rights, consumption discounts, and activity content notices, the member agrees hereby Under such circumstances, it is deemed that the member has received such information or notice.
Filling in personal information if there is repetition, error or falsehood, intentional use of other people’s names, infringement of other people’s name rights, company name exclusive rights, trademark rights or other intellectual property rights, or violation of public order and good customs, government laws, or damage to the company’s services Purpose… etc., the company may refuse to register, and has the right to immediately suspend or terminate member accounts, cancel membership, and refuse to provide this service. Members shall not make any claims against the company, and shall bear all legal responsibilities themselves.
Privacy Protection Statement: Members’ personal data are protected and regulated by the company’s privacy policy.
2. Changes in service content
Members agree that the store may adjust, change, modify or terminate the service and the terms at any time, which will take effect after the company’s announcement without further individual notice. The latest revised version of these terms shall prevail for the rights and obligations between members and the company due to their participation in the company’s activities and use of the company’s services.
3. Personal Data Protection Notice and Consent Items of the Store
In order to provide the most complete service for members and protect the personal data of members, the store hereby informs you of the following matters in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law (hereinafter referred to as the Personal Data Law):
The purpose of collection, type of personal data, period of use, region, objects and methods are to provide members with various consumption discounts, products, services, activities and latest information about the store, and to effectively manage member data, conduct services and surveys, satisfaction and Consumption statistical analysis survey (hereinafter referred to as collection purpose), this store will collect, process, and use the personal information you filled in the store membership application, Consumption and transaction information, or other personal information provided with your consent in the future. Within the scope of the collection purposes above, this store may provide all or part of your personal information to cooperative manufacturers. Example: When a member uses this service for online consumption, the company needs to complete the delivery and payment of the goods or related gifts through cooperative manufacturers such as home delivery and third-party payment. Therefore, when the member completes the online transaction, it means that the member agrees and agrees. Authorize the studio to provide the personal information provided by members (such as recipient name, delivery address, phone number, etc.) to cooperative manufacturers such as home delivery, freight, third-party payment, etc., in order to complete the delivery of goods or related gifts with payment。
Note: You agree to use electronic documents as a means of exercising written consent in the Personal Information Law. If you do not agree to provide personal information, or request to delete or stop collecting and processing your personal information, you understand that this store may not be able to conduct online membership review and related processing operations, or provide you with comprehensive online services, please sorry.
- 收到商品後如發現有瑕疵或破損或是配件短缺的狀況,需要辦理換貨,請於到貨後7天內與客服連絡,我們將盡速為您處理。
- 收到商品後可享有7天免費鑑賞期(含例假日),鑑賞期係供您參考、觀賞、品鑑比較而並非試用,全新商品退貨會視情況衍生整新費用。退換貨(依照退貨程序辦理退貨)時敬請保持原包裝商品的完整,我們完全保障您的購物權益。
- 依照消保法規定,經消費者拆封之影音商品或電腦軟體、以及依消費者要求所為之客製化給付。並不享有七天鑑賞期。
- 退換貨注意事項:退貨的商品必須必須回復原狀,亦即必須回復至您收到商品時的原始狀態 ( 包含設備主機、附件、內外包裝、隨機文件、贈品、活動贈品等 )
- 下列情形可能影響您的退貨權限:
* 隨商品已附上相同之試用品,或在收到影音光碟及軟體前已提供您試聽、試用之機會。
* 在不影響您檢查商品情形下,您將商品包裝毀損、封條移除、吊牌拆除、貼膠移除或標籤拆除等情形。
* 在您收到商品之前,已提供您檢查商品之機會。
* 其他逾越檢查之必要或可歸責於您之事由,致商品有毀損、滅失或變更者。 - 若您已取得紙本發票,請於退貨時一併退還。
- 請您以送貨廠商使用之包裝紙箱將退貨商品包裝妥當,若原紙箱已遺失,請另使用其他紙箱包覆於商品原廠包裝之外,切勿直接於原廠包裝上黏貼紙張或書寫文字。若原廠包裝損毀將無法退貨或須將損壞費用於退款中扣抵。
- 當您申請退換貨後,請主動向貨運人員索取單據,並保留至退換貨完成,以利日後查詢。
Last Updated: December 26, 2022